Slovak Directions Phrases

Find your way with our Directions Phrases guide! Whether you're exploring a new city or just need to navigate around, our helpful phrases will point you in the right direction.

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Kde som?
Where am I?
Kde je _____?
Where is _____?
Ako ďaleko?
How far?
Otočte sa.
Turn around.
Vráťte sa.
Go back.
Kde sme?
Where are we?
Odbočte doprava.
Turn right.
Kde je najbližší _____?
Where is the nearest _____?
Odbočte doľava.
Turn left.
Ako sa dostanem do _____?
How do I get to _____?
Koľko kilometrov?
How many kilometres?
Choďte rovno.
Go straight ahead.

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