Indonesian Health Phrases

Empower your health-related conversations with our Health Phrases compilation! Whether you're discussing symptoms, seeking medical assistance, or sharing wellness tips, our practical phrases will support you.

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Tekanan darah tinggi.
High blood pressure.
Serangan jantung.
Heart disease.
Susah bernafas.
Difficulty breathing.
Saya hamil.
I am pregnant.
Saya sakit.
I am sick.
Dimana ruangan darurat yang terdekat?
Where is the nearest emergency room?
Saya mungkin hamil.
I might be pregnant.
A fever.
Dia sakit.
He is sick.
Cobalah untuk tenang.
Try to stay calm.
Di manakah rumah sakitnya?
Where is the hospital?
Reaksi alergi.
An allergic reaction.
Tolong hubungi mobil ambulans.
Please call an ambulance.
An inflammation.
Tolong hubungi dokter.
Please call a doctor.

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