Catalan Social Chat Phrases

Enhance your social interactions with our Social Chat Phrases collection! Whether you're mingling at events or simply having casual conversations, our conversational phrases will be your go-to resource.

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Jo no ho sé.
I don't know.
Quina edat tens?
How old are you?
Em dic _____.
My name is _____.
Com et dius?
What is your name?
Encantada de conèixer-te.
Nice to meet you.
D'on ets?
Where are you from?
Tu on vius?
Where do you live?
Què t'agrada fer?
What do you like to do?
Que tinguis un bon viatge.
Have a nice trip.
Això està bé.
That's cool.
Tens aficions?
Do you have any hobbies?
Tu què estàs estudiant?
What are you studying?
Ha estat un plaer parlar amb tu.
It was nice talking with you.
Tu creus en l'amor a primera vista?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Tu creus en fantasmes?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Quin tipus de música t'agrada?
What type of music do you like?
Tu on vas?
Where are you going?
Jo vaig a _____.
I am going to _____.
Tu creus en el destí?
Do you believe in destiny?
Tu tens fills?
Do you have children?
Jo sóc de _____.
I am from _____.
Quin és el teu color favorit?
What is your favourite colour?
Jo estic estudiant _____.
I am studying _____.

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