Catalan Feelings Phrases

Embark on an emotional journey with our compilation of Feelings Phrases! Whether you're navigating the realm of emotions or seeking to articulate your innermost sentiments, our carefully curated phrases will guide you.

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Jo sóc solitari.
I'm lonely.
Jo estic malalt.
I'm sick.
Jo estic estressat.
I'm stressed out.
tenir gana
to be hungry
Jo estic cansat.
I'm tired.
Jo estic trist.
I'm sad.
Jo estic deprimit.
I'm depressed.
Jo estic avergonyit.
I'm embarrassed.
Jo estic decepcionat.
I'm disappointed.
Jo tinc gana.
I'm angry.
Jo estic frustrat.
I'm frustrated.
Jo estic preocupat.
I'm worried.
Jo tinc calor.
I'm hot.
Ella està malalta.
She is sick.
Jo estic feliç.
I'm happy.
Ella està trista.
She is sad.
Ell té calor.
He is hot.
Ell té fred.
He is cold.

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