Language Learning Apps: Do They Really Work?

Are language learning apps really effective?

Language Learning Apps: Do They Really Work?

Learning a new language with an app is said to be one of the hottest language learning trends of the 21st century. In fact, they’re said to be revolutionizing language learning.

They can help you build your vocabulary, develop your grammar and even practice your speaking skills without ever needing to leave your couch. Whether you want to learn a new language for business, for a trip abroad or your personal growth, language learning apps are a great solution.

For that reason, more people than ever have been downloading them over the past few months. According to some data, some apps saw a 67% increase in signups during these few months.

However, the world doesn’t appear to be overwhelmed by bilinguals, multilinguals or polyglots overnight.

So what is the deal?

Are language learning apps really as effective as they claim? Can they really help you learn a foreign language? Or are they a waste of time and effort?

Let’s first take a closer look at the pros and cons of using language learning apps. Then we’ll discover how you can make them work for you.

Language learning apps are an excellent resource

One of the biggest benefits of language learning apps like Mondly is their low barrier to adoption. This is, perhaps, what makes them so popular in the first place.

They’re quick and easy to download and you can use them whenever you have a few minutes of free time. Language learning becomes easy to slot into your day, even if your life is already hectic with work, family and other social commitments.

Most offer mini bite-sized lessons which can help avoid you feeling totally overwhelmed and encourage you to remain consistent with your language learning.

The gamified experience also helps to bring the language to life and inject some fun so the overall language-learning experience is much more fun than sitting in a dull classroom, working through boring textbooks.

If you get the answers wrong, it’s okay. There are no grumpy teachers on your back, castigating you for making a mistake. Instead, the apps are designed to provide a non-threatening environment that can help boost your confidence and improve your skills.

Of course, language learning apps are also extremely affordable or even free, with a variety of pricing options for every level of learner.

For people who believe that they ‘don’t have the language learning gene’ or who find traditional language lessons boring, these apps can make a huge difference.

The limitations of language learning apps

But not all apps are effective. Some attempt to recreate the same ineffective classroom language learning experience to their apps, wasting their users time, money and energy.

You may think that you’re learning a new language, but you’re simply clocking up ‘points’ and competing with other users on a meaningless scoreboard.

Language learning apps that rely on memorization, translation and repetition just aren’t effective, even if you’re having fun whilst you work through them.

There’s also the small matter of developing your speaking skills…

Ideally, you would have a face-to-face immersion environment that allows you to use your target language frequently when learning. This helps cement the new words, phrases and grammar you are learning and transfer them to your active memory.

Again, this is where low-quality language learning apps fall short. Many are created without focusing on this essential aspect of language learning and so only offer a classroom-style, passive learning experience.

If you’ve studied a language at high school and still struggled to do more than order a beer in your new language, you’ll know how frustrating and limiting this can be.

That’s why Mondly has been designed with extra features such as speech recognition, chatbot technology and VR language learning. It provides a safe and non-threatening environment that allows you to build your communication skills in the new language and build your confidence.

If you want to learn a foreign language for business or pleasure and get the results you deserve, you need to choose an award-winning language learning app like Mondly.

Use Mondly to learn a foreign language and get results

Language learning apps like Mondly provide a research-based optimal learning environment to help you boost your language skills for business or pleasure. By choosing Mondly, you will benefit from a range of features such as:

  • A gamified language learning experience
  • Easy to use customizable dashboard
  • A choice for 41 different languages
  • Beginner, intermediate and advanced proficiency levels
  • World-class speech recognition technology
  • Vocabulary builders and quick language lessons
  • 50 varied topics to prepare you for most language situations
  • More than 1000 language combinations

Download Mondly or sign up for the MondlyWORKS language subscriptions today to start learning your new language today. Join over 80 million people and start working towards your goals today.

Speak to one of our friendly team members to find out more.

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Patxi G - B2B Linguist

Unlocking new horizons through the power of words and technology. As an experienced B2B marketer, my passion for language learning and AI fuels my insatiable curiosity. Let's explore the limitless possibilities together.

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