Dutch Social Chat Phrases

Enhance your social interactions with our Social Chat Phrases collection! Whether you're mingling at events or simply having casual conversations, our conversational phrases will be your go-to resource.

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Ik weet het niet.
I don't know.
Hoe oud ben je?
How old are you?
Ik heet _____.
My name is _____.
Hoe heet jij?
What is your name?
Aangenaam kennis te maken.
Nice to meet you.
Waar kom jij vandaan?
Where are you from?
Waar woon je?
Where do you live?
Wat vind je leuk om te doen?
What do you like to do?
Goede reis.
Have a nice trip.
Dat is cool.
That's cool.
Heb je hobby's?
Do you have any hobbies?
Wat studeer je?
What are you studying?
Het was leuk om met je te praten.
It was nice talking with you.
Geloof je in liefde op het eerste gezicht?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Geloof je in geesten?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Van wat voor soort muziek houd je?
What type of music do you like?
Waar ga je heen?
Where are you going?
Ik ga naar _____.
I am going to _____.
Geloof je in lotsbestemming?
Do you believe in destiny?
Heb je kinderen?
Do you have children?
Ik kom uit _____.
I am from _____.
Wat is je favoriete kleur?
What is your favourite colour?
Ik studeer _____.
I am studying _____.

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