Croatian Health Phrases

Empower your health-related conversations with our Health Phrases compilation! Whether you're discussing symptoms, seeking medical assistance, or sharing wellness tips, our practical phrases will support you.

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Visok krvni tlak.
High blood pressure.
Srčana bolest.
Heart disease.
Otežano disanje.
Difficulty breathing.
Ja sam trudna.
I am pregnant.
Ja sam bolestan.
I am sick.
Gdje je najbliža soba za hitan prijem?
Where is the nearest emergency room?
Možda sam trudna.
I might be pregnant.
A fever.
Nije mu dobro.
He is sick.
Pokušajte ostati mirni.
Try to stay calm.
Gdje je bolnica?
Where is the hospital?
Alergijska reakcija.
An allergic reaction.
Molim vas, pozovite hitnu pomoć.
Please call an ambulance.
An inflammation.
Molim vas, pozovite doktora.
Please call a doctor.

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