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The most strategic enabler for international business today is language learning….

Did you know, miscommunication due to communication barriers cost companies $62 million a year*?

It’s a fact that 94% of employees say they’d stay at a company longer if they invested in their L&D*.

Employees who learn a second language are likely to make wise decisions quickly, even in complex or novel situations.
Study by Psychology department, University of Chicago. Cited in The Telegraph, 19th June 201363% of language learners report higher levels of engagement and enjoyment in the workplace.

From ‘Language Training Delivers Big Returns’ (e-book) pub. Rosetta Stone. Cited by Jack Marmorstein @ Association for Talent Development, 24th October 2018But did you know, miscommunications due to communication barriers cost companies over $62 million a year*?

£48 billion – Every year in lost contracts because of a lack of language skills in the workplace
https://www.newstatesman.com/spotlight/2017/11/languages-are-ticket-world-opportunities from Chamber of Commerce, 2019. Research by Cardiff University Business School